So what have i been up to since november? not much, that's my life right there, totally nothing, boring, boring, boring. Zaly has finally in the last 2 weeks gotten rotating shifts, it's been good since he's had days off over the weekend. it's been about 4 years since he's had a rostered weekend off, so we've been enjoying the time.
I'm getting back into my scraping more lately to, which is great. I've also gotten some massive bug for making bookmarks, I am giving them away to family and friends left right and centre. Thankfully a lot of my family and friends are avid readers, those who aren't, I hope they'll start, cause reading is such fun.
Anyways so for the onslaught of pics.
I made these both for Zaly:
I'm starting to go through all my pictures from our trip back to Singapore last year, i want to finally make an album of it (both a mini album and some LO's).
This LO is from when Ed, Kristy, my mum and I went to Jalan Kayu for makan. The pic was taken by my mum, she's getting much better wielding a camera.
And all the bookmarks I've been making.
A few weeks ago it was a friends daughters birthday. She turned 4 and had a fairy party, so I made her this card:
Till next time :)