Friday, February 16, 2007

Lots of lo's

This is what happens when you don't update your blog regularly, you have to much to post at once. So here it all is, over a weeks worth of creativeness all in one shot.

Soo first up is my lo for the UYS (use your stash) challene at m4m, I was challenged by tigger to make a lo with no pp, only using my "build-a-flower" stamps from AL and buttons as the pattern for the lo. I came up with this lovely lo of my niece Amelia:
The lovely miss Amelia

Now I've done a lo, I think I'll put another list of things up to get challenged again. It was good fun creating this, and it's definately different from the usual work i do.

So number 2 was for the asian dares blog, (scrap a lo in another language) but I was about 2 mins late with posting it, but alls well, cause I love this lo anyway. Orang tengah means middle person, I was kinda trying to focus on the odd one out in these photos -> my husband lol.
Orang Tengah

So this card I did for a card sketch at Groovie Ed's kits. I gave it to DH he liked it, though the whole love theme is a bit mushy for some men.

Love card

I made this altered board the other night, when I was not having any creativness to do any lo's, I ended up passing it onto MIL I hope she likes it.
Altered board

Another Singapore zoo LO, this one is dh sizing up his foot to Komali's foot print. I've seen Komali in the flesh and she's a big elephant, funny to, i caught her swaying to music, when mum and I toddled through the elephant area on our way to go see the water show (where I got to be kissed by the sea lion for $5 lol.
Big foot

And last but not least a gift tag I made from papers I got from Ed's kit club. First pic is the front 2nd pic is the back.
Gift tag side 1
Gift tag side 2

So now that the lo's are posted. I went out today, to the shops "fun" anyways I went nuts on buttons again, I don't know why, I spent $6 on such a small amount of buttons just because they were half price, when I could've gotten 3 times the amount if I'd have bought a buetron "bag of buttons". Another thing that peeved me (and I didn't realise till I got home) was they over charged me for the gutermenn cotton threads I bought, they're 25% off, and they charged me full price. So if we go there on Tuesday I'll bring it up with them, see if I can get the difference back insha'allah. Not that $1.50 is much, but then again i don't have lots of money to start with, plus they should pay attention when they're ringing the orders up.

I've decided to get back on the meal planing wagon, and I've planned meals for tonight, sat and sun. We're having some arabian dish I got the recipe from my friend but I'm lazy to cook the tomato sauce part (it's pita bread made into "chips" <- cut them up and make them hard by baking them with oil in the oven, with a minced meat and tomato and eggplant sauce (this is where I cheat and buy pre-made) with yoghurt with tahini and garlic on top, and mint sprinkled over it). Should be yum, tomorrow night is Lemon chicken I can't wait, and sunday I'm making arias, it's a minced meat mix spread thinly on pita bread and cooked through.

Anyways thats all for now, I want to get back to scrapping.


Anonymous said...

your LOs are so fun to look at and very lovely choice of pps! and you are the original shopping Queen. you beat me anytime..hehehe :P

Cousin Ed

Stef said...

haha thanks Ed.