Saturday, September 30, 2006

Finally completed.

I finally completed the last challenge set by The Velvet Cat This challenge was to scrap a mini book of yourself. I had no idea how to do it, and it had to be binded. I've never done a mini book, so it was a huge challenge for me. I also had no idea what to put in it. So finally I've finished it and am so glad that it's over, was such good practice, and when i get better at scrapbooking, I may add to it.

On page 6 I've written in lead pencil what I want to achieve in the next few years. And page 3 is little tid bits about me as a child.

I've decided that I'm never doing a challenge during the day when I'm fasting. I find it hard to concentrate, so from now on challenges during ramadan are only being done after I've opened fast.

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